
Archive for the ‘healthy habits’ Category

Let’s face it you are a busy gal! At befitnpretty.com we don’t think that eating right should be difficult or time consuming, in fact we think it should be downright easy. So in lieu of trying to do a complete diet overhaul, we think one of the best ways to start leading a healthier life is make one small but positive change to your diet each week.

Build on to these positive changes each week and pretty soon, all of these little tweaks will add up to some big payoffs in your overall health and well being. Not sure where to begin?  Start with the suggestions on the list below and you will be looking and feeling fit·n·pretty in no time!

Small food changes that reap big rewards:

– Add one serving of fruit to your breakfast and lunch.

– Make sure you get two servings of veggies at dinner.

– Switch to non-fat or 1% milk.

– Switch from white pasta and rice to whole-wheat pasta and brown rice.

– Cut 100 calories from you day (like that extra slice of bread or piece of candy).

– Buy 100% Whole Wheat Bread instead of white.

– Switch from regular soda to diet, or better yet sip on unsweetened iced tea or water with a slice of lemon or cumber instead.

Small behavior changes that reap big rewards:

– Make time to eat a healthy breakfast every morning.

– Start eating your meals off of smaller plates and out of smaller bowls.

– Don’t eat out of the container or package; pre-portion all of you meals or snacks into a bag, bowl, or onto a plate for better portion control.

– Actually enjoy your meals and put away your work /turn off the radio, TV, and computer while you eat.

– Add a small snack (around 100-200 calories) in between breakfast and lunch. Then again between lunch and dinner. You will get better control of your hunger and will be less likely to overindulge at those meals.

– Instead of pouring the dressing on your salad, use the “fork trick” and just dip your fork in the dressing before taking a forkful of lettuce. You will be shocked at how little dressing you actually need.


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I love eggs, quite honestly from my head down to my legs. One of my earliest memories is of my mom teaching me how to properly dip crunchy whole wheat toast into my egg yolk. To this day I have an egg every morning whether it be hardboiled, poached, over easy, scrambled in an omelet, or baked into a frittata. Which is really the best part about eggs; they are inexpensive and incredibly versatile, making for a filling breakfast, lunch or dinner. While my consumption may seem a little excessive, I truly feel eggs make for a perfect meal and up until about a year ago I did not discriminate in my egg selection.  As an egg lover, all eggs were created equal which proved to be true until I indulged in my first farm fresh organic egg. Since then, I have searched far and wide for the most inexpensive options and below are the best deals I have found.

Why organic cage free eggs? Some of the reasons are obvious. By choosing cage free eggs you are supporting the humane treatment of animals where farmers allow the hens to roam freely.  Also by choosing free range organic eggs over conventionally farmed eggs you reduce your exposure to toxins found in non-organic feed, normally fed to caged chickens. In addition by choosing eggs produced by hens raised with a superior diet and lifestyle you will instantly notice a change in flavor and texture. Don’t believe me?  Do a taste test for yourself, you will not be disappointed!


Just a note: the numbers below may differ slightly depending on where in the country you live, but after calling around and checking online these prices seem to be pretty consistent for most geographic regions.

Brand Store Price
Safeway O Organics Organic Grade A Large Brown Eggs (free roaming) Safeway $4.39/12 count
Trader Joe’s Free Range Organic Grade A Large Brown Eggs Trader Joe’s $4.69/12 count
Farmers Harvest: Free Range Extra Large Organic Fresh Brown Eggs Wal-Mart $3.49/12 count
Archer Farms Organic: Grade A Large Free Range Egg Target $2.99/12 count
Horizon Dairy: Grade A Organic Large Brown Cage-Free Eggs Whole Foods $4.99/12 Count
Organic Valley: Grade A Large Organic Brown Eggs Cage-Free Grab a Coupon Here Whole Foods $4.99/12 Count
Kirkland Cage-Free Organic Costco $3.99/18 count
Olivera Farms Free Roaming Organic (these are from a local farm at the farmers market) Local farm sold @ farmers market—check to see if your farmers market has local eggs $4.99/12 count

Want to know why eggs are so good for you? Check out the great egg debate for some interesting facts about the nutritional benefits of eating eggs!

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With only so many hours in the day, our well being often takes the backseat. Let’s face it, being you does not come easy and that is on a good day! Having an off day takes up even more time and energy (we all know changing your outfit five times before you leave the house, just to end up wearing the same one you started with, can be a big time suck). It seems like every girl I know is trying to juggle a million things and with so little time to get everything done, we end up giving up one really important thing, sleep. And while skimping on sleep may not seem like a big deal, especially with coffee to ease the pain in the morning, we could be doing ourselves (and our waistlines) a great disservice.


We all know that sleep is important and that it gives our bodies and minds a chance to rest and recover after a long day. But did you know that research has consistently shown a strong link between poor sleep habits and weight gain? Study after study has shown that men, women, even children, who do not get enough quality sleep, weigh more than their well rested counterparts. In one 2008 study published in the journal, Sleep (yes, there really is a scientific journal called Sleep), researchers followed the changes in body weight of a group of adults, aged 21-64, for 6 years. They found that over the 6 years, those who slept an average of 5-6 hours per night gained on average 4.5 lbs more than those who slept an average of 7-8 hours per night. Don’t think that sounds like much? Take your weight now and add 4.5 pounds to it, how does it sound now?

So, why does this happen? Well, the researches aren’t really sure. Some think it’s a combination of a lack of sleep causing us to move less and consume more. Some think it’s because the more hours we are awake the more time we have to eat and drink (think about what you were doing the last time you were still up at 2 am). While, others think that a lack of sleep causes the body to release less of its weight controlling hormones and over time this lack of hormones results in weight gain. Likely, it’s a combination of these factors. But any way you slice it, none of the above are good for us.

How can we avoid this sleep deprived weight gain? My best advice is to pick a bedtime and do everything in your power to stick to it. It may take a few days for your body to adjust to it (and you may not even be tired when you lie down), but eventually you will get used to it and falling asleep at that time will be no problem. Still having trouble falling asleep? Click here for tips from the MayoClinic on how to get a better night sleep.

And lets be real here, we are all going to have some late nights (just try to limit them to one or two nights a week). And on the nights when you don’t get enough sleep? Be aware of how you body is responding the next day and try get in a little exercise, like a lunchtime walk (and stay away from the cookies).


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we <3 health

Valentines Day is upon us and February is heart health month, so with our hearts on our mind and love in the air, we wanted to share some tips for keeping your heart pumping with luuuuv for years to come!

j&jNut-trition: Ditch the cookies and chips and munch on a heart healthy snack of nuts like almonds, walnuts, or peanuts instead. These types of nuts contain heart healthy compounds like omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats, vitamin E, and plant sterols. And with the added bonus of containing a good amount of fiber, nuts can help fill you up and keep you fuller for longer. Just be sure to not over do it; nuts are also high in calories so keep it to a 1 oz serving, 4-5 times a week. Oh, by the way it doesn’t really count if they are honey roasted, candied or covered in chocolate!

Eat a “heart”y breakfast: Start your day with a heart healthy breakfast of oatmeal and blueberries. Oats are packed with soluble fiber, which has been proven to help lower cholesterol and may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. And blueberries are loaded with heart-healthy and disease-fighting compounds like anthocyanins (a type of antioxidant), vitamin C and fiber. Delicious and good for your heart? Yes, please!

Ditch the salt shaker: When our diets contain too much salt or sodium it can increase our risk of developing high blood pressure, which can eventually lead to heart disease. Lose the salt and instead season your foods with salt-free substitutes like lemon juice, pepper, or use this opportunity to test out a variety of fresh herbs and spices. And stay away from processed foods, which typically contain high amounts of sodium, or look for those that say “low-sodium” on the package.

Pump it up: Exercise is a fantastic way to improve your heart health, so get moving for at least 30-60 minutes everyday. And this doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym! Head out for a hike or long walk, dance around the house, or run around with your kids or dog. The key is to get your heart pumping and the oxygen flowing!

Take a load off:
Leading a stressful lifestyle can take a toll on your heart health. There is a known link between stress and disease development, so why not take a moment each day to give yourself (and your heart) a break. Try some quick breathing exercises, throw your own OSDP (one song dance party), meditate to nature sounds, have a five move yoga session: downward dog, half moon, warrior pose, cat stretch, and end in a child’s pose, go for a long walk/hike/run, or just hug it out (research has shown that hugging can reduce your stress levels and lower your blood pressure)!

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