
Archive for the ‘things we love’ Category

If you waited until the last minute to do your holiday shopping, you’re in luck! We’ve complied a list of our favorite fit·n·pretty items from the past year, all of which in our opinion are totally awesome and sure to please even their pickiest gal on your list. So, on the 8th day of fit·n·pretty Christmas we give to you…”8 merry must-haves”!


From Jaclyn…

1. Baggubag.com: Who doesn’t love a handy reusable bag? These ones are by far the best.  Sold in an array of colors and at only $8 a bag (the more you order the cheaper they are) these bags allow you to show your style, while still doing your part for the environment. Plus, they make for great gym bags and are the perfect stocking stuffer!

2. Etsy.com: If you haven’t yet been to this site, here is my disclaimer…unless you are ready to spend hours surfing around finding quite possibly the most perfect little pieces of heaven do NOT go here. You will literally lose yourself for hours and before you know it you will have completely redecorated your apartment, found a wonderful handmade greeting card set for a friend, and purchased an adorable one of a kind headband (that you didn’t know you wanted but suddenly NEEDED). Jen and I have literally spent a day side by side on our computers, not speaking to each other, surfing Etsy.com. It’s a problem.

3. Nike Lunarglide+: If you are looking for a new pair of running shoes, do yourself a favor and pick up a pair of Nike’s new Lunarglide+. Not only are they perfectly stylish, they are easily the most comfortable running shoes around. Added bonus: they support the Nike+/iPod system which tracks all of your runs (total distance, average mile time…etc), sets up custom playlists and even calculates the calories you burn.

4. Lululemon Gratitude Wrap: While this wrap is a little on the pricey side, it does not disappoint. I eyed it for weeks before I finally gave in and purchased. Now I wear it pretty much every chance I get (not just for working out). It is the perfect jacket/sweatshirt for the cold weather and with nifty thumb holes it even keeps your hands warm. So if you are looking to splurge a little this season, this is the perfect reason.

From Jen…

5. Lucy Activewear Gazelle Seamless Half Zip: In October, the lovely people at Lucy sent Jaclyn and I some workout clothes to test out. We loved Lucy before, but I can safely say that I now positively adore them for sending me this. Not only is it the perfect thing to wear on a cold winter run, it also is super comfortable and looks fantastic on. I seriously wear mine all the time and get nothing but compliments on it.

6. Squeeze-It-In Workout DVD: Think you’re too busy to exercise? Think again! With their brand new DVD, the ladies at Squeezeitin.com bring you an exclusive 30-minute workout that teaches you to “let life be your workout!”. No gym, no equipment, no excuses. You have seen their kitchen exercises featured on our site and with super simple and incredibly clever moves like “Laundry Legs” and “Grocery Glutes”, every chore and errand becomes a chance to workout and tone up!

7. SIGG Bottle: Drinking water thoughout the day keeps you feeling hydrated and energized. But if you don’t always have access to a water source and the chemicals in plastic water bottles totally freak you out, I have the perfect solution. A SIGG bottle. Jaclyn and I love our SIGG bottles! They are not only tough (even I, the clumsiest person alive haven’t damaged or broken mine) they are made from materials deemed safe by the FDA, so you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals leeching into your water.

8. BornFit Betty Tee: From our friends at BornFit, the Betty Tee is perfect for running, yoga and everything in between. Not only is this tee made from a super soft supplex/spandex blend, it also features pretty embroidery to keep you looking stylish whether your running hill repeats or errands!

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Sometimes life is a real beach and it becomes even more hectic as the holidays, finals, and family gatherings approach. But rather than reaching for a bag of chips when you’re feeling overwhelmed, refer to our favorite little tips to temporarily escape reality and de-stress in style. So, on the 9th day of fit·n·pretty Christmas we give to you… “9 life de-stressors”!


  1. Go for a walk/urban hike.
  2. Have an OSDP (one song dance party).
  3. Have a five move yoga session: downward dog, half moon, warrior pose, cat stretch, and end in a child’s pose.
  4. Listen to nature sounds (anything by John Grout, he’s our fav).
  5. Spend some time checking out best-of-craigslist, Failblog.org, Weight Watchers Recipe Cards circa 1974, or just watch this video.
  6. Hug it out: research has shown that hugging can reduce your stress levels and lower your blood pressure.
  7. Send out a tweet to vent with the hashtag #mylifeissohard.
  8. Play one game of brick breaker.
  9. Dear Diary…fill-in the blank.

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Happy Saturday!

You may have noticed that our postings have been a little sparse the past two weeks. We apologize for our lack of blogginess. Jen was busy finishing up her last two weeks of graduate school (and has a shiny new masters degree to show for it) and Jaclyn was away on business in Texas (and has returned armed with a sassy new pair of cowboy boots). But now we’re back and ready to get in the (fit·n·pretty) Christmas spirit! So for the next twelve days we would love for you to join us in celebrating the “12 days of fit·n·pretty Christmas”. Check back often as we will be bringing you daily doses of tips, tricks, recipes, and fun to make your holiday season as healthy, fit and simple as possible! Think of it as an early Christmas/Hanukka/ Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice/Festivus gift from us to say thank you for all of your awesome support and encouragement over the past year.

happy holidays!


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We would love to hear them all! Hit us up at our brand new fit·n·pretty e-mail addresses! (Our old e-mail address still works too, but we hope these will allow us to respond to your e-mails faster!)

To get in touch with Jen: jen@befitnpretty.com

To contact Jaclyn: jaclyn@befitnpretty.com

General info/media/advertising: info@befitnpretty.com


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